Guest Blogger Guidelines

We welcome your submissions.
Our vision is to involve communities, whether you are a fashion blogger, lifestyle expert, beauty consultant, entrepreneur, local artisan or have a unique take on Do-It-Yourself (DIY) fashion, we'll glad to collaborate.
Guest blogger guidelines & inquiry form helps you understand the perceived benefits of becoming a part of us.
Why you should be interested in sharing your original content with us?
You believe in your own fashion statement.
You’ve got a soft spot for family-oriented businesses.
You have got a unique fashion sense and writing style.
You discourage the use of chemicals and toxic materials.
You’re an independent woman, wanting to inspire others.
You value empowering local communities and ethical labor practices.
You’re well aware of the harmful impacts of fashion on the environment.
You’re hugely into brands that follow sustainable production and have - minimal waste.
You feel passionate about fashion and want to share, teach, or help like-- minded readers.
Your artistic photos, witty one-liners, and bold ideas are warmly welcomed by your followers.
What you will get, sharing your original content with us?
Exposure and access to our diverse audience.
Back links and traffic to your social media accounts.
Build online authority as an influencer within your niche.
Be known by our audience and get a boost in your followers base.
Showcase, promote, or even sell your work in front of a broad audience.
Free Buttons & Needles branded exclusive merchandise at the end of the fiscal year.
Become our brand ambassador, your article will be promoted across all Buttons & Needles digital channels including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Newsletters.

Content Curation Guidelines
To increase guest blogger chances of being featured, we suggest the following guidelines:
Content Originality
Content must be original, interesting and haven’t been published previously. Our focus lies more on the quality of the content to provide value, knowledge, facts, and inside scoop to our readers.
Moreover, all the submitted content will be carefully searched across the web. Plagiarized content won’t be published on Buttons & Needles.
Content Exclusivity
Our goal is to create interesting, nevertheless, informative high-value content for our wide target audience. It serves the purpose of educating and empowering readers to understand the dynamics of fashion and the fashion industry.
Therefore, we do require exclusivity of the content you submit, meaning the content won’t appear anywhere else in the same form you provided it to us.
Blog Post Word Counts and Linking
We are flexible with the length of blog posts. 500 to 2000 words can be suitable. We do not accept or allow you to submit 3rd party referral, affiliate, or cross-promotional links between posts.
In order to keep continuity with the blog content and optimizing it on search engines and across all digital channels we do recommend to:
Include 1 link to the post, it can be your website (portfolio or business/product reference).
Include 1 link to the post, it can be your social media account including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Content Relevancy
Content must be relevant to Buttons & Needles’ focus areas. For example:
Fair Fashion, Food & Travel, Fashion Trends, Entrepreneurship, Health & Wellness, Instagram Marketing, Product Photography, Women Empowerment, Sustainable Production Methods, Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS).
Content Tone & Voice
The tone and voice of content must be non-promotional. You can talk about your Perspectives, Opinions, Stories, Expertise, Experiences, Initiatives, Accomplishments, or Achievements within the fashion industry.
In addition to this, Hard Sell Promotion in any form won’t be tolerated. Linking your nature of work/business is acceptable until or unless you are not promoting 3rd party products or affiliate links and/or providing the list of tools or discussing news in an unbiased perspective.
Content Editing & Formatting
All contributed content or submitted posts will subject to editing. Though we won’t heavily edit your post we will make sure it’s aligned with our blog objectives, goals, and strategy.
Author Bio & Acknowledgement
We encourage guest bloggers to fill out the Author’s Bio Section so as to acknowledge their original or contributed content on our available online/offline promotional channels. This way readers will be able to connect to your social media, website, or blog of choice via the link provided.
Blog Images
We do need several images to complete the blog post. We encourage you to use images captured by you. You can also use images available for commercial use without attribution and/or copyrights.
In case you use facts, figures, infographics, do mention the 3rd party source link. The following are the ideal dimension for the blog post images.
Guest Blogger Profile Image
Head-shot with a square photo, 1:1 aspect ratio, image size of 500 (wide) x 500 (tall) pixels.
Blog Header Image
Landscape-shot with a horizontal photo, 16:9 aspect ratio, image size 1140 (wide) x 300 (tall) pixels.
Blog Featured Image
Centered-shot with a square photo, 1:1 aspect ratio, image size of 500 (wide) x 500 (tall) pixels.
Long-shot with a vertical photo, 16:9 ratio, image size 633 (wide) x 2000 (tall) pixels.
Content Curation
Artwork (including images, graphic illustrations, and diagrams) are encouraged. They must be emailed to us at for insertion into the blog post. Note that we won’t be held responsible for any misdemeanor or copyright violation.
You may link to specific landing pages or document downloads, only if it’s relevant to the story.
Cosa non fare
Assicurati di includere tutti i link rilevanti e che siano in formato HTML.
Si prega di non reindirizzare troppo al proprio blog. I collegamenti eccessivi saranno scoraggiati.
Si prega di non applicare tag ai contenuti. Abbiamo un sistema interno per il tagging, quindi ce ne occuperemo noi stessi.
Linee guida per la presentazione dei contenuti
Crediamo che hai già letto in dettaglio le nostre Linee Guida per i Blogger Ospiti e che sei entusiasta di far parte della nostra comunità. Pertanto, ti invitiamo volentieri a inviare un post (o più) seguendo questo procedimento:
Leggi attentamente l'Informativa sullaPrivacy e & Termini e Condizioni, e compila il Modulo di Richiestacome meglio puoi.
Una volta ricevuta la tua richiesta, la esamineremo accuratamente. Se riterremo la tua proposta appropriata, ti informeremo debitamente via e-mail.
Come iniziare
Un esempio di articolo scritto da uno dei nostri guest blogger si trova qui. here.
Si noti che l'invio di un post (o più) non comporterà la sua automatica pubblicazione. Buttons & Needles si riserva il diritto di pubblicare i contenuti che ritiene più adatti al lavoro di Buttons & Needles. Non paghiamo per i post promozionali degli ospiti.
Questo sito web e il blog sono gestiti da Buttons & Needles LLC.
Codice Fiscale:
Indirizzo fisico: Bonn, Germania.
Se hai domande riguardanti le Linee Guida per gli Ospiti Blogger, puoi contattarci all'indirizzo
Ultimo aggiornamento il 10 dicember 2020